It is highly recommended that while executing these examples, you have a printed version of this script with you to maximize your learning.
Press 'Next' to continue.
<set label>
this is the label
<set editbox>
this is the editbox
<set title>
This is the Title
<wait message>
In this first example, the controlling of the screen objects is demonstrated.
The screen objects are:
the title, the text-area, the label, the editbox, the next-button and the quit button.
<set title>
<wait message>
The commands <hide label> and <hide editbox> make the label and editbox invisible.
<hide label>
<hide editbox>
<wait message>
You can show them again by the commands <set label> and <set editbox> which both require a second (data) line which contains the text. These commands automatically make the object visible. <set editbox> automatically makes the editbox non-readonly (or editable).
<set label>
This is the text for the label
<set editbox>
Hi there!
<wait message>
You can make the editbox read-only by the two script lines:
'<readonly editbox>'
'true '
and non read-only by the lines:
'<readonly editbox>'
<readonly editbox>
<wait message>
Now the editbox is readonly. Try to change its contents.
<wait message>
The title can be changed by <set title> and hidden by <hide title>. First a demonstration of <hide title>.
<hide title>
<wait message>
Now <set title> will be demonstrated.
<set title>
This is a new title
<wait message>
The command <wait button> causes the install program to wait for the user to press it. Also the button will be set with the text on the next script line. Press 'Next' to see this command in action.
<set title>
Example 1
<hide editbox>
<hide label>
<set message>
Now the button text has changed.
<wait button>
<wait message>
The 'Quit' button can not be controlled by the script. The user has always the possibility to abort the installation process by pressing this button.
<wait message>
The commands for the text area (which contains this text you are reading now) are '<wait message>' which displays the message and waits for the button to be clicked, and '<set message>' which just sets the message without waiting.